You might think it’s a smoky, smelly relic of the past, but vape shops are everywhere. They’re hard to miss, decked out in rainbow colors and neon signs. They’re tucked away next to your favorite smoothie shop or popping up in the long-vacant storefront you always wished would transform into something useful.
These local retailers may be the best hope for smokers who want to quit. E-cigarettes can provide nicotine while reducing exposure to carcinogens and other harmful chemicals. And vape shop staff understand the difficulty of quitting smoking and may be more willing to help customers overcome their obstacles.
Vape Store Specials: Deals You Can’t Miss
In a survey of e-cigarette retailers, 84% of staff reported that customers frequently ask them about smoking cessation support. However, less than half of the stores reported providing formal cessation advice to smokers.
Vape stores can capitalize on the popularity of cannabis products by focusing on new technology and product lines, like those featuring vapor-producing, oil-based CBD (cannabidiol) oils, which offer many of the calming, sativa-like effects of medicinal marijuana without the psychotropic side effects. They can also diversify their selections to cater to a variety of users, such as novices looking for easy-to-use devices and experts seeking high-end juices with complex flavors and enhanced vapor production.
Retailers can maximize their visibility by creating an attractive storefront with prominent window displays that convey the brand identity and encourage passersby to stop in for a look. Bright, well-placed lights are also crucial for highlighting the products and attracting customers, especially during evening hours.
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